"Real power and Justice cannot be given. It must be taken! "
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Day eight : Don Carleone
"Real power and Justice cannot be given. It must be taken! "
Day eight : Guitarist or not?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Day seven : just smile :)
Day seven : Tired + phone call + angry + patience = ramadhan
i just wrote it for fun and its a free writing. :) tq2
Day seven : when i was a kid..
when i was in primary school at ipoh named SK Cator Avenue Ipoh, i'm such a loser because i'm not a good student and i was in a last class. i kept complaining to my mother that i'm not a good student but what my mother told me that i can do it and i can prove to all my teachers that i'm good and i deserve to be at a better class. Since i kept complaining, She never stop saying that i'm good student, i have a good ideas and brain. So, i felt so special. Since that day, i've started to study hard and prove to my teachers that i'm good. Then i seat for the final exam, and i get flying colours(Metaphor). For the next year, i'm no longer at last class. In this story, i'm using self-fulfilling prophecy.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Day six : Time Management
Problem-Solving Model
Stage 1 : define the problem
I started to realize that I have neglect about my study (revision, doing tutorial) because I am more focus to do my assignment and other commitment. A question from my Academic Advisor really makes me think that final exam is just around the corner and yet I still did not do anything to prepare for the final. The main problem is I have trouble to manage my time on study, assignment and other commitment.
Problem statement: in this case, the problem is that I should start managing my time more effective to prepare for my final exam. However, the reality is I did not manage my time effectively and this makes me neglecting my study.
Stage 2 : Analyze the problem
Answering some of the question from Kepner-Tregoe:
How big is the problem?
For this problem is very big since it is about my study and it will effect my CGPA if I do not perform well during the final exam.
What event cause this problem?
My bad time management really make me to not doing revision since I ‘m more focus on assignments and commitment to other activity I have joined.
How long has it existed?
This problem already existed since the middle of this trimester where I started to ignore on my study (did not do revision, tutorial, etc). However, I only realized about this situation today and it really make me worried.
Stage 3 : Identify possible solution
Solution 1-focus only on study
Solution 2-make timetable to manage my time more effective
Solution 3-just go with the flow
Stage 4 : Decide on the appropriate alternative
Solution 1-focus only on study (2:2)
Advantage: make me well prepare for final, do not have to think about other commitment.
Disadvantage: people will say I am not committed with my commitment of the program I have joined, might get bored if only focus on study all the time.
Solution 2-make timetable to manage my time more effective (2:1)
Advantage: still can join other activity, still can focus on my study.
Disadvantage : must follow the timetable
Solution 3-just go with the flow (1:2)
Advantage: I can decide when I should study anytime I want
Disadvantage: time management is still bad (problem is still not solve), might make me not prepare for final exam.
After doing my analyzing, I decided to chose solution 2 as my solution because I still can concentrate on my study and other activity if I have prepare timetable for my study and as long as I follow the timetable.
Day six : Bazaar ramadhan
Hey guys. i just got back from my TQM class at 6pm. My stomact doesn't feel good shows that i need some food. Suddenly my housemate called, invited me to go to pasar ramadhan to buy some food for break fast with him. We know that we are late plus its always traffic jamm at Putrajaya when ramadhan is coming. So we are rocketed to go to Putrajaya since we are late enough. Finally, we are not that late and still got time to buy some foods for break fast.
and actually i'm using metaphor in this blog.
Day six : got style?
On this advertisement above, it tells us about one of the Suzuki motor has produced
Premises 1 : Suzuki Swift are small but comfortable.
Premises 2 : people who drive Suzuki Swift got Style.
Conclusion : its worth it for people to have Suzuki Swift.
The Suzuki company try to persuade everyone around the world to buy their brand since there is a good opportunity to people who are searching for the new car.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Day five : money, money, and money
Other than that, i also can made assumptions about him, which is he is a good boy who wants to help his mother and grandmother. Other than that, maybe he also wants a pocket money or maybe he wants to at least go to shopping to buy anything that he really wants.
Day five : Giorgio Armani for chelsea fc :)
In this text that i've wrote. I use Affirming Consequent which is If P then Q. Q, therefore, P.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Day four : at night
Its all because of Critical thinking subject since all my groupmates are taking this subject for this trimester. we just remember the mind map that we've learn in critical thinking.
Day four : Its Our 51th Merdeka!
Today is independent day! Malaysia as we know it today is a thriving developing country, often considered a “role model” by its Southeast Asian neighbours for its economic and political stability, multicultural harmony and steady progress. 31st August 2008 marks the 51th year of this country's independence from British colonialism and the day the joyful, triumphant shouts of “Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka!” resonated throughout the nation as Malaya's first Prime Minister, Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman stood on a podium at Merdeka Square doing the same.
The name Malaya was then changed to Malaysia when the country was officially made a federation of 13 states including Sabah and Sarawak. There is one article states that "The federation shall be known, in Malay and English, as Malaysia". Although Singapore broke away and became a nation of its own in 1965, the rest of the states have remained firmly together, combining to make Malaysia the harmonious melting pot of cultures it is today. Because of this beautiful knowledge and history from our grandparents, Me and few friends decide to go to Putrajaya to watch the marching shows of all organizations.
In the story above, i use the word Although which is including in Contrary relationship and because of this in Causal relationship.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Day three : The day is too good for music
i went to uptown damansara with few friends to watch deepset live on stage. deepset launch their first debut album. congrats guys! its was really awesome and the sounds makes my heart melt.
hahahah. i'd love to say that i like their 2nd song in the album. sounds like EITS. it shows that we are Malaysian can do anything just like others all around the world. My friends, Med asked me, from count one to ten which number will i give to them. So i told him that its 9.5 out of 10(statistical arguments) . then he agreed with me because for us or for who listen to their sounds will tell the same too. Goodluck for deepset!.
Day three : lunch with housemates
Daddy U is using Tu Quoque to defend himself from Bro AA.
Day three : Overweight?
50% of Malaysians could be overweight, says minister
PETALING JAYA: The perennial dilemma of overweight and obese Malaysian adults does not seem to be improving with the Health Ministry expressing fears that more than 50% of Malaysian adults could now be saddled with the problem.
Its minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said while the National Health and Morbidity Survey in 2006 revealed the combined prevalence of overweight and obese adults was 43.1% - almost double the figure a decade ago, the current numbers could have already increased over the past two years.
The estimated number of Malaysian adults above the age of 20 is about 13 million.
Liow pinned the disturbing situation down to the lack of proper health knowledge where Malaysians need to be better informed and motivated to stay healthy in terms of diet, physical activity, stress management and disease prevention.
He said Malaysians had also grown accustomed to an affluent lifestyle where they were more comfortable sitting at home and watching television or being in front of the computer instead of enjoying the great outdoors.
"For example, how many people know that losing even a modest 5% to 10% of their weight can result in reduced sickness and death?" he said in his speech Saturday when launching Nutrition Month Malaysia 2008.
Liow, who took a jibe at his own weight problem where he weighed 75kg instead of the desired 70kg, added that Malaysians took "eating right" lightly where they did not know what to eat, when to do so and how much they should consume.
"There is plenty to eat but, unfortunately, many of us are not making wise decisions with regards to what and how much we should eat. Instead of using common sense, we act on impulse," he added.
"With our busy lifestyles, we would rather eat out than at home, opt for fast food rather than cook at home. And, too often, we spare little thought about the health and nutritional value of what we put into our tummies, if we remember to eat at all."
Malaysian Association for the Study of Obesity president Prof Dr Mohd Ismail Noor later revealed that about 90% of overweight and obese adults in the country were "very likely" to develop diabetes.
"What is worrying is that younger people who have diabetes and are also overweight. You do not have to wait until you are 40 to have this disease. They are now as young as 25," he said.
He warned the problem had to be nipped in the bud because the combined access to food 24 hours a day and lack of exercise was a "recipe for disaster".
"Look at the West. They have promotional health campaigns and yet it is not working there," he said.
He also said if one parent is overweight or obese, the chances of the child being in a similar situation was 40%.
The chances increased to 80% if both parents are either overweight or obese, he said.
Genetic predisposition, he said contributed to between 10% and 15% of those who faced the weighty problem in the country.
Hence, this article has prompt me to relate it with my critical thinking studies,The Main Claim: "The perennial dilemma of overweight and obese Malaysian adults does not seem to be improving with the Health Ministry expressing fears that more than 50% of Malaysian adults could now be saddled with the problem."
Supporting Argument 1: Liow pinned the disturbing situation down to the lack of proper health knowledge where Malaysians need to be better informed and motivated to stay healthy in terms of diet, physical activity, stress management and disease prevention. He said Malaysians had also grown accustomed to an affluent lifestyle where they were more comfortable sitting at home and watching television or being in front of the computer instead of enjoying the great outdoors.
Premise 2: Datuk Liow, who took a jibe at his own weight problem where he weighed 75kg instead of the desired 70kg, added that Malaysians took "eating right" lightly where they did not know what to eat, when to do so and how much they should consume.
Supporting Argument 2: There is plenty to eat but, unfortunately, many of us are not making wise decisions with regards to what and how much we should eat. Instead of using common sense, we act on impulse," he added. "With our busy lifestyles, we would rather eat out than at home, opt for fast food rather than cook at home. And, too often, we spare little thought about the health and nutritional value of what we put into our tummies, if we remember to eat at all.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Day two : seth cohen v iqbal jamal
I had just finished watching the series titled The OC. After that my friend called and invited me to have dinner with him.While in the car i started talking to my friend about the series that i had just watched.Here are the conversation that took place between Iboy (me) and Abu:
Iboy : Abu, i had just finished watching The O.C. Are you still following the series.
Abu : Not really since it's not fun anymore and it has too much drama in it.
Iboy : Owh...hey Seth Cohen and Rachel Bilson are perfect for each other and made for each other.Everybody agrees with it because they feel the same way as i do.
Abu : Hahah...Sory Iboy but i have to disagree with you in that part because Rachel Bilson and Iqbal Jamal are the perfect couple.They are far better with each other.
Iboy : Hahah!!! do you think so?
From our conversation,i analyze that we had just made a statement that i can relate to Critical Thinking.It's Petito Prinicipii.
Day two : Malaysian political scene
Day two : Check it out
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Day one : Extremely busy
Day one : Thursday evening
On every thursday evening after isyak prayers, me together with my beloved friends will gather at my place to recite yassin as continue our grandparents tradition since long time ago. In islam thursday evening was known as holy evening that will be award more bless from ALLAH swt if any muslim performing religion activities. As this activity being perform every thursday evening since our grandparents time its already become a compulsary to us as a muslim and continue the tradition that already exist since long time ago. As this is a tradition activity for us, i assume this activity is related to ad populum appeal to tradition.